The Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization (CCO) is a peer-reviewed journal having four issues annually. The journal is devoted to advancing and promoting the theory and applications of combinatorics and optimization and interdisciplinary. It is aimed to publish original high quality refereed papers, occasionally survey articles and short notes. There are no fees for submitting, processing or publishing an article in Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization. From the beginning of 2023, four issues will be published each year at the end of March, June, September, and December.
All submissions to CCO are checked by the iThenticate plagiarism software checker before being processed for peer review.
Pages 717-728
Rikio Ichishima; Francisco Antonio Muntaner-Batle; Yukio Takahashi
Pages 743-761
Sumanta Das; Mridul Kanti Sen; Sunil kumar Maity
Pages 763-785
Faiz Zakaria; Hicham Benaissa; Othmane Baiz
Pages 787-802
A. Saibulla; P. Roushini Leely Pushpam
Pages 803-823
Sasmita Rout; Pawan Kumar Mishra; Gautam Kumar Das
Pages 825-835
Yeni Susanti; Muhammad Nurul Huda; Ramadhani Latief Firmansyah
Pages 837-875
Hadjer Alioui; Baha Alzalg
Pages 877-904
Anand Kumar Tiwari; Yogendra Singh; Amit Tripathi
Pages 905-931
Jafar Pourmahmoud; Davoud Norouzi Bene
Pages 949-971
Javad Tayyebi; Hassan Hassanpour; Hamid Bigdeli; Elham Hosseinzadeh
Pages 973-988
Tsz Lung Chan; Gee-Choon Lau; Wai Chee Shiu
Pages 1001-1016
Mark Anthony C. Tolentino; Janree Ruark C. Gatpatan; Timothy Robin Y. Teng