Linear-time construction of floor plans for plane triangulations

Document Type : Original paper


1 Bits Pilani, Rajasthan

2 Department of Mathematics, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus, Rajasthan - 333031


This paper focuses on a novel approach for producing a floor plan (FP), either a rectangular (RFP) or an orthogonal (OFP) based on the concept of orthogonal drawings, which satisfies the adjacency relations given by any bi-connected plane triangulation $G$.
     Previous algorithms for constructing a FP are primarily restricted to the cases given below:
         \item A bi-connected plane triangulation without separating triangles (STs) and with at most 4 corner implying paths (CIPs), known as properly triangulated planar graph (PTPG).
         \item A bi-connected plane triangulation with an exterior face of length 3 and no CIPs, known as maximal planar graph (MPG).
     The FP obtained in the above two cases is a RFP or an OFP respectively. In this paper, we present the construction of a FP (RFP if exists, else an OFP), for a bi-connected plane triangulation $G$ in linear-time.


Main Subjects

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