2-Rainbow Domination Number of the Subdivision of Graphs

Document Type : Original paper


Department of Mathematics, ‎Faculty of Science, Imam Khomeini International University


Let G be a simple graph and f:V(G)P({1,2}) be a function where for each vertex vV(G) with f(v)= we have uNG(v)f(u)={1,2}. Then f is a 2-rainbow dominating function (a 2RDF) of G. The  weight of f is ω(f)=vV(G)|f(v)|. The minimum weight among all of 2rainbow dominating functions is 2rainbow domination number  and is denoted by γr2(G). In this paper,  we provide some bounds for the 2rainbow domination number of the subdivision graph S(G) of  a graph G. Also, among some other interesting results, we determine the exact value of γr2(S(G)) when G is a tree, a bipartite graph, Kr,s, Kn1,n2,,nk and Kn.


Main Subjects

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