Strong $k$-transitive oriented graphs with large minimum degree

Document Type : Original paper


KALMA Laboratory, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences I, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon


A digraph $D=(V,E)$ is $k$-transitive if for any directed $uv$-path of length $k$, we have $(u,v) \in E$. In this paper, we study the structure of strong $k$-transitive oriented graphs having large minimum in- or out-degree. We show that such oriented graphs are \emph{extended cycles}. As a consequence, we prove that Seymour's Second Neighborhood Conjecture (SSNC) holds for $k$-transitive oriented graphs for $k \leq 11$. Also we confirm Bermond--Thomassen Conjecture for $k$-transitive oriented graphs for $k \leq 11$. A characterization of $k$-transitive oriented graphs having a hamiltonian cycle for $k \leq 6$ is obtained immediately.


Main Subjects

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