Some new families of KP-digraphs

Document Type : Original paper


1 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México

2 Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México


A kernel $N$ of a digraph $D$ is an independent set of vertices that is absorbent (for every vertex $u\in V(D)\setminus N$, there is a vertex $v\in N$ such that $(u,v)\in A(D)$). Let $D$ be a digraph such that every proper induced subdigraph has a kernel. If $D$ has a kernel, then $D$ is a \emph{kernel perfect digraph} (KP-digraph); otherwise, $D$ is a \emph{critical kernel imperfect digraph} (CKI-digraph). A digraph with the property $P$ is a digraph such that whenever a vertex reaches two other vertices through asymmetrical arcs, then these two vertices have the same out-neighborhood. In particular, digraphs whose asymmetrical part is a disjoint union of cycles have the property $P$.   In this work, KP-digraphs with the property $P$ are characterized. As a consequence, KP-digraphs whose asymmetrical part is a Hamiltonian cycle are also characterized. For digraphs with a Hamiltonian cycle $\gamma$ as their asymmetrical part and whose diagonals are symmetrical of length 2, two algorithms are presented;  the first one determines whether a digraph is a KP-digraph or a CKI-digraph, and the second constructs the kernel of the original digraph if it is a KP-digraph. As a consequence, a characterization of all CKI-digraphs whose asymmetrical part is a Hamiltonian cycle and whose diagonals are symmetrical of length 2 is shown.


Main Subjects

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