Mathematical results on harmonic polynomials

Document Type : Original paper


1 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Florida International University, 11200 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33199, USA

2 Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Nordeste, Avenida de la Libertad 5450, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina

3 Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Avenida de la Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés, Madrid, Spain

4 Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Carlos E. Adame No.54, Col. Garita, 39650 Acalpulco Gro., Mexico


The harmonic polynomial was defined in order to understand better the harmonic topological index. Here, we obtain several properties of this polynomial, and we prove that several properties of a graph can be deduced from its harmonic polynomial. Also, we prove that graphs with the same harmonic polynomial share many properties although they are not necessarily isomorphic.


Main Subjects

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