Cop-edge critical generalized Petersen and Paley graphs

Document Type : Original paper


1 HRIST (Deemed to be university), Bengaluru-560029, Karnataka

2 Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland


Cop Robber game is a two player game played on an undirected graph. In this game, the cops try to capture a robber moving on the vertices of the graph. The cop number of a graph is the least number of cops needed to guarantee that the robber will be caught. We study textit{cop-edge critical} graphs, i.e. graphs G such that for any edge e in E(G) either c(Ge)<c(G) or c(Ge)>c(G). In this article, we study the edge criticality of generalized Petersen graphs and Paley graphs. 


Main Subjects

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