Unit Zq-Simplex codes of type α and zero divisor Zq-Simplex codes

Document Type : Original paper


Department of Mathematics, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India


In this paper, we have punctured unit Zq-Simplex code  and constructed a new code called unit Zq-Simplex code of type α. In particular, we find the parameters of  these codes and have proved that it is an [ϕ(q)+2, 2, ϕ(q)+2ϕ(q)ϕ(p)] Zq-linear code if k=2 and [ϕ(q)k1ϕ(q)1+ϕ(q)k2, k, ϕ(q)k1ϕ(q)1+ϕ(q)k2(ϕ(q)ϕ(p))(ϕ(q)k11ϕ(q)1+ϕ(q)k3)] Zq-linear code if k3, where p is the smallest prime divisor of q.  For q is a prime power and rank k=3, we have given the  weight distribution of  unit Zq-Simplex codes  of type α. Also, we have introduced some new code from  Zq-Simplex code called zero divisor Zq-Simplex code and proved that it is an [ρk1ρ1,k,ρk1ρ1(ρ(k1)1ρ1)(qp)] Zq-linear code, where ρ=qϕ(q) and p is the smallest prime divisor of q. Further, we obtain  weight distribution of  zero divisor Zq-Simplex code for rank k=3 and q is a prime power.


Main Subjects

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