A new upper bound on the independent 2-rainbow domination number in trees

Document Type : Original paper


1 Shahed University

2 Islamic Azad University

3 ‎Islamic Azad University

4 Islamic Azad University,


A 2-rainbow dominating function on a graph G is a function g that assigns to each vertex a set of colors chosen from the subsets of {1,2} so that for each vertex with g(v)= we have uN(v)g(u)={1,2}. The weight of a 2-rainbow dominating function g is the value w(g)=vV(G)|f(v)|. A 2-rainbow dominating function g is an independent 2-rainbow dominating function if no pair of vertices assigned nonempty sets are adjacent. The 2-rainbow domination number γr2(G) (respectively, the independent 2-rainbow domination number ir2(G)) is the minimum weight of a 2-rainbow dominating function (respectively, independent 2-rainbow dominating function) on G. We prove that for any tree T of order n3, with leaves and s support vertices, ir2(T)(14n++s)/20, thus improving the bound given in [Independent 2-rainbow domination in trees, Asian-Eur. J. Math. 8 (2015) 1550035] under certain conditions.


Main Subjects

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