Bounds for fuzzy Zagreb Estrada index

Document Type : Original paper


1 NMIMS Deemed tobe University, Mumbai.

2 NMIMS Deemed to University


Let G(V,σ,μ) be a fuzzy graph of order n, where σ(u) is the vertex membership, μ(u,v) is membership value of an edge and μ(u) is the strength of vertex. The first fuzzy Zagreb index is the sum σ(ui)μ(ui)+σ(uj)μ(uj) where uiujμ and the corresponding fuzzy Zagreb matrix is the square matrix of order n whose (i,j)th entry whenever ij, is σ(ui)μ(ui)+σ(uj)μ(uj) and zero otherwise. In this paper, we introduce the Zagreb Estrada index of fuzzy graphs and establish some bounds for it.


Main Subjects

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