Extreme outer connected monophonic graphs

Document Type : Original paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology (Government Aided Autonomous Institution) Coimbatore - 641 014, India

2 Department of Mathematics, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore


For a connected graph G of order at least two, a  set S of vertices in a graph G is said to be an \textit{outer connected monophonic set} if S is a monophonic set of G and either S=V or the subgraph induced by VS is connected. The minimum cardinality of an outer connected monophonic set of G is the \textit{outer connected monophonic number} of G and is denoted by moc(G).  The number of extreme vertices in G is its \textit{extreme order} ex(G).  A graph G is said to be an \textit{extreme outer connected monophonic graph} if moc(G) = ex(G).  Extreme outer connected monophonic graphs of order p with outer connected monophonic number p and extreme outer connected monophonic graphs of order p with outer connected monophonic number p1 are characterized.  It is shown that for every pair a,b of integers with 0ab and b2, there exists a connected graph G with ex(G)=a and moc(G)=b. Also, it is shown that  for positive integers r,d and k2 with r<d, there exists an extreme outer connected monophonic graph G with monophonic radius r, monophonic diameter d and outer connected monophonic number k.


Main Subjects

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