Some new bounds on the general sum--connectivity index

Document Type : Original paper


1 Knowledge Unit of Science University of Management and Technology, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan

2 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, 18000 Nis, Serbia

3 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Serbia


Let G=(V,E) be a simple connected graph with n vertices, m edges and sequence of vertex degrees d1d2dn>0, di=d(vi), where viV. With ij we denote adjacency of vertices vi and vj. The general sum--connectivity index of graph is defined as χα(G)=ij(di+dj)α, where α is an arbitrary real number. In this paper we determine relations between χα+β(G) and χα+β1(G), where α and β are arbitrary real numbers, and obtain new bounds for χα(G). Also, by the appropriate choice of parameters α and β, we obtain a number of old/new inequalities for different vertex--degree--based topological indices.


Main Subjects

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