On relation between the Kirchhoff index and number of spanning trees of graph

Document Type : Original paper


1 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Serbia

2 State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia

3 Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Nis, Srbia


Let G be a simple connected graph with degree sequence (d1,d2,,dn) where Δ=d1d2dn=δ>0 and let μ1μ2μn1>μn=0 be the Laplacian eigenvalues of G. Let Kf(G)=ni=1n11μi and τ(G)=1ni=1n1μi denote the Kirchhoff index and the number of spanning trees of G, respectively. In this paper we establish several lower bounds for Kf(G) in terms of τ(G), the order, the size and maximum degree of G.


Main Subjects

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